Friday, December 27, 2019

Evaluating Pakistan Banks Through Industry Experience - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3340 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? National Bank of Pakistan was accepted on November 1949, in the NBP Law .1949 in teach to manage with the blow place which were developed after bank standoff with India and reduction of Indian rupees in 1949.At first the bank was well-known with the aim to expand credit to the farming area. The usual method establishes a banking business under the trade rule was put sideway and the bank was recognized during the spread of an order owning to the calamity state that had recognized with stare to financing of company. The bank commenced its operations from November six virtual jute centre in the East Pakistan and fixed its resources in financing of jute harvest. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Evaluating Pakistan Banks Through Industry Experience" essay for you Create order The bank of Karachi and Lahore offices were then opened in December 1949. 2).ALLLIED BANK OF PAKISTAN. Allied bank of Pakistan among the bank of Pakistan .it is headquarter base in Lahore currently there over 735 branches of Allied Bank of Pakistan those are situated crossway Pakistan indismillar areas, in the years 2004 the possession of allied bank of Pakistan was hand extra to the Ibrahim anthology. Allied Bank has a board online system during which its twang is combined. Allied Bank was established in the year 1942 and on juncture it incomplete recital as Australian Bank. Allied Bank is a complete Muslim bank of Pakistan during and next the disagreement of dominion it was experience in the commotion condition and devastated by the uprising in East Punjab .Due to brawny violence in dominion was every twigs of Allied Bank that were located in the India close downwards and blocked. after liberty new kindling were opened in the main city of Pakistan there are Karachi.Rawalipindi, Sialkot, Sargodha, Peshwar, Juhung, Gujranwala and Kasure as on it was additional complete and novel bushe s was opened in Multan and Quetta. No withstanding the enormous damage that was accomplished by the Allied Bank this bank produce a awaken and gross an income of 50000 in the years of behind 70,s Allied Bank had concerning one hundred and one skirmish timber all over Pakistan .in the year 1971 while East Pakistan got distance Allied Bank misplaced its 51 recognised twing.but that abandon incidence could not discontinue. Allied Bank to farm extra and in the yearly 1973 Allied Bank produces up with 86 twinges in the current Pakistan. During the yearly 1974 Australian bank was renamed Allied Bank as criticize of direct was dissolve. Allied bank was privatizing dint the year 1991 and it was the 1st bank of Pakistan that was down by its possess employees. Soon on the year 2004.Allied Bank was hand over to the Ibrahim locate. 3) .HABIB BANK OF PAKISTAN. Habib Bank of Pakistan is having by the habib set of Pakistan .HBL is the set of previous set. Which is 1st? Time introduced bank in Pakistan.HBL of Pakistan was launched in the year 1959.soon intended in the year 1971 it was state. Afterward HBL acquired the grade of semi-government bank. Current chairman of HBL is Sheikh Nahayan al Nahayan. Acme agency limb of HBL is now biggest bank of Pakistan with extra 40percent rip benefits power in the home country. 4). UNITED BANK LIMITED. United Bank Limited of Pakistan or UBL was founded in the year 1959.current assistant chairman is Sir Muhammad Anwae Pervaz. United Bank Limited is the 2nd main secret profitable bank in Pakistan with above 1000 branches and has an international turnout in 10 countries. We are growing bank by vast likely for services in the payment. We are on the follow rerouted for attaining excellences. To obtain our task for spare wealth and to get better our internal and exterior justice. We think in area the true aim for the works and we kick to mark right capital .UBL is known for redefining the carrier trail and more project of its total staff, and we pride ourselves in that. In kind to assurance their conquest, we present a wealthy labor location, positive and functional to the improvement of their human being prepare and one that prove lively for the strike of the bank. 5).FAYSAL BANK OF PAKISTAN. ÂÂ   Faysal bank of Pakistan become helpful in Pakistan in the 1987.Orignially Faysal Bank of Pakistan incomplete recital as an Islamic Bank apart from afterward on it alter keen on customary bank and renamed because Faysal Bank biased. Afterward on in January 2002, a put corpse in Pakistan i.e.-Faysal asset Bank Limited turns into linked and compound interested in the current Faysal Bank. 2). Explain how your chosen industrial experience would contribute to the development of a management report. In point of originally my managerial tale I get extra in sequence and data about the Pakistan banking commerce at fiscal market and leading NBP position of the deal as an ingredient of my trade knowledges. I have hold meeting with manager of over company and get short gen on their location of the commerce and how they be make plan to add new forceful plus in this really hostile bazaar. Now bank industry is happen an additional cruel and quickly initial company in Pakistan state. As that all company in the industry are annoying to illustrate new customers in to them by if great kind of merchandise and price, capable services important in the economic encourage. As a result of my developed knowledge in the banking panel. I have positive NBP to enlarge my government story, becuse it is one of peak bank in Pakistan and foremost monetary organisation in together economic and property market in Pakistan .so I thoughts I container expand my order tale rise on associate of NBP and line its s ense achievement district in the commerce as an crucial business. SECTION 2 Prepare and agree aims. Objectives and targets of the management report with the appropriate manager within the selected organisation (append a copy of your job description where possible)? 2.1) Set priorities and agree aims, objectives and targets for the management report? My main concern, aspire, objectives and aim are as follow for the motive of first government feature in effectively. To squabble with my teacher an add fine obvious propose on select the organization for talented management in series Study measure the every probable facet to get company information to make decision-making tale. Gather information on chief business in bank industry in Pakistan by with net browsing and periodical. Assemblage novel in order on NBP in pre intended centre areas such as vision, task, objectives and organisational agreement and etc produce a system of government declaration. Study the crowd string and create a pattern of factor. Explore and determine the expertise circumstances of the Pakistan banking buying and gain epigrammatic devise about the set of NBP as a crucial bank of Pakistan. Expand an administration explanation about National BANK of Pakistan by with my industry in command about bank business in Pakistan. My divide substance is ending my organization declaration in efficiently and submits it on occasion. 2.2) Explain how the aims. Objectives and targets will benefit the organisation and you as a leaner. Objectives, ambition and aim are the straight, what are they need to be or do in the view also it device as a character straight for furthermore administration or novice to attain its required out loom. As a novice or bureaucracy everybody needs objectives, aim and aspire to directly to achieve it or his success in productively. Except good objectives, rule cant purpose its industry by conquest as on one knows what must they too have done? Or anywhere they are departure to? So it takings not there pre staunch objectives and ambition, performance the industry or action somewhat is in hopeless and desperate jobs. So in the recent rapidly altering trade and fast increasing earth set objectives and goal are the second effective and essential key torment of the administration. As organisational nightmare, task and objectives describe and palpable leadership and orders for its labour and boss to what they have to perform and where they are departure to be? Mainly of organisations are obviously show their idea task declaration to inspire attentive its personnel and preceding stakeholders. It is attractive really help to lope the direction by of its last effect in well powerfully while, all attentive with it is ambition and objectives. MANAGEMENT REPORTE OF NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN Managerial Summer I have certain of NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN as my choose administration to create my organization in order. In this government feature I have argue companys image, duty, and work civilization and corporation ascendancy under the task account part. Next I have assess relating to promote simultaneous issue in Pakistan bank industry at the financial market and NBP as a leading bank among the pinnacle bankers of Pakistan in the clandestine fraction. In the bazaar discover piece I have converse and study products military of NBP and how macro environmental factor are upsetting to the bank diligence at the fiscal and money market what are the talented trust chance in the market to broaden the fear. Also I examine and confer on its full entre strength, weakeness, threats probable opportunity to develop and the increase of the industry below the within environmental revise. Then I land at my finial as a closing portion of my report, Mission Statement of National Bank of Pakistan. In the task statement part of this organization account I have permanent the thought and task of the NBP which is management and the teaching on the industry to its Stakeholders. Vision and Mission of National Bank of Pakistan. The NBP was founded the standard fraction and single of the top bank in Pakistan. Over the year, it has by obvious thought, set principles, twisted a self and false a lone draft in bank has brought us credit year past year. it has maintain its imaginative nature, reaches to the grass row and shaped a method that has place the draift.Today the NBP best kind of merchandise and services mechanical by current technical lead and established by a vigorous, extremely aggravated group towards the mostly successfull bank in Pakistan. Mission Statement. Near exist famous in the market by institutionalizing a benefit and act society, make a powerful and typical class character, achieve to to-tier monetary presentation, and accept and lively out our hub principles. Vision Goals. To be the top economic organization in Pakistan and get promote credit evenly in the group and let go of overhaul while well as the diversity of formation extend. Work Culture. The job civilization of NBP is bottom on its aim of being distance section. Its HRM end to lift and upright the ability and competencies of its labour at varied level to get together present needs. National Bank of Pakistan is also necessary to make resources of facts that are essential for the view needs of the Bank. NBP attainment is not by accident. Its a conscious option and vow of its staff. Objectives Actions. The Bank is given that all banking services of seller and business banking allowable in the country, which comprise: Handing of coffers dealings for administration of Pakistan as manager to the condition Bank of Pakistan Tolerant of deposits of money on present, permanent saving, word put and income defeat contribution accounts. Borrowing money and arrange economics from previous banks. Advancing and lending money to its customers. Financing of project, counting technological assistantce, scheme assessment during long -term/short-term advance, term economics and mushariks certificate etc. Financing of migratory crops approximating cotton, wheat rice, sugar cane tobacco, etc. Receipt of bond. Scrip, valuable, etc.for secure care. Generate, responsibility, promote etc, of matter of share and bonds, etc. Transact assurance and insurance commerce. Provide modified hajj services to intend hajjes. Market Research Reports. The mainly important and fundamental fraction of in command i have meet concerning NBP is its market study factors because those in command is the input conquest basis of the industry as primary spend in the bank deal in Pakistan. In this part I have disuses the key attainment factor, signify varied variety of merchandise and services under the title as pursue. Merchandise/services. While we are telling to the National Bank OF Pakistan, its industry with two inputs part of anthology process recital the financial services. They are behaviour and industry with big selection of creates and services foot on that main section called exacting and trade kind. The National Bank of Pakistan is meaning its industry in bad-tempered their live and according to collect their needs in productively. Individual commodities and services. When we are concerning the merchandise and services of NBP as a foremost bank in Pakistan bank services. We can see it is sharing above board range with more distinguish merchandise and services as pursue. Type of accounts. Subsequent types of accounts are release in National Bank of Pakistan Saving account (PLS). Current or Demand account. Fixed account. Saving account (PLS). This kind of account is prospect to persuade the economy custom of the purchaser and direct to a continuing bank or benefit organization. Bank saving accounts are in landscape of deposit account and are not typically available for sketch. Charge of notices is classically presumptuous by a small rim. Saving account with the bank section stand for a very little quantity of total put. Customer can make any removal from type of account. The cash chilliness relation is typically small them the current account because the removal beside this account is tremendously small. Current or Demand Account. These are deposit, which can be worn by the investor at my time by there a cheque to the bank. Persons place their money in this account they provide a locate command on their account in city and under built-up countries of the world, a very main part of currency is booked under exit or order account. On this type of account of inquisitiveness remove of cash or by cheque take put at view. The cash bashfulness share for this account is very soaring. The effectual cost for the performer this type of account is very tall since removal is very usual. Fixed account. Fixed account is those people, who are deposit an enduring era of time and are repayable next the end of fixed time to the customers. Those people who have surplus interment and desire to have saved set the amount in the permanent account. The tempo of take in approved to saver vary with the coldness end to end of put, I. E. its senior for longer age and lower for shorter time. The duty on this sort of deposit is senior than the saving bank account. The money raw materials next to this plunge are very small because there is no terror of removal of a month before the fixed of time .No depart to the depositors Customers and retail banking section. Clients and industry banking section is payment two facilities to their customers. 1), National Bank of Pakistan Advance Salary. 2).National Bank of Pakistan Ghar Ghar Television. .Analyse the Industrial Environment factors (Micro Environment) .STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS (SWOT) ANALYSIS C:UsersAdministratorPicturesSWOT2.png STRENGTHS. National Bank of Pakistan one of the major monetary organisations of Pakistan with 8million of clients base NBP hold 24.6%share of time and direct put in the country. Limited cash deposit include 67%of banks total put while distant money deposit account for the unwind. NBP has a minor road people member scheme of 1200(according to the latest data). Brushwood located all over Pakistan. The bank also has a business in 19 worldwide locations as well as the USA, United Kingdom, Europe and the faraway East. NBP total possessions stand at Pak Rs.370 billion on December 2000. This fitted total earns belongings of about Pak Rs.268 billion with uncivilized loan anthology of Pak Rs. 140 billion. The bank moreover has an advantage selection of Pak Rs.91 billion, which compare raw materials securitites, corporation tie, share and other securities. NBP cash proviso as proportion of nonperforming advance equal to 60%this action subject for the non drama loan is the top between the community division business banks. NBP is performance as right arm association of Pakistan as it account for all maintain of government for development as well as sum. All saver of NBP are in free that their cash security is in no doubt by government of Pakistan. It act as a boss of the central Bank where the condition Bank does not have its have stem. WEAKNESSES. National Bank of Pakistan staff particularly at inferior thinks their work as weight. They characteristically waste time in other responsibility a part in play their responsibility. With government possession for their own wants. They are unwilling to confess change carry by latest improvement efforts. The universal viewpoint and inside map of brushwood are not as essential according to modern banking. NBP approach up great heaviness in organisation persons branches, which are not create any profits but stay on adding up expenditure. NBP is relying on its customary basis of profits it has not engaged helper shape. Innovation in banking like bring in go banking or buyer banking and with any kind of scheme to make more deposit and create additional go forward. Additiondontt even takes on its commending card due bad behaviour and need have managed. NBP is far-away last in contribution existing banking service like routine teller kit next previous for profit bank in Pakistan as simply eighteen brushwood in all above country have this overhaul. OPPORTUNITIES. Preliminary of the skill banking 1st operational. Setting of aspire for of creation at least 300 branches country plank on line. Final of all those brushwood, which is weight on NBP? Government to proffer exacting services to major commerce including optional and debt syndication foreword the idea of organization director. Complete tution programs have been enlarge to promote the centre banking. Skills of the living staff as well as mix high brilliance appoint. To advance the encouragement of workers a merit-based mores is being sanction. Through refurbish the manpower recruitment safeguarding and production measurement system. THREATS. Main threats NBP opposite is initial its challenger particularly from denationalizes. For profit bank. In which MCB is scheduled the summit of the list, the bank give 24hours banking convenience with the major ATM scheme in Pakistan wrap 15 cities with additional 100 ATM site. deal banking plus client banking ensuing in the merchandise such as admire cards, Lodgings money and motor money lend to small being clientele, and buy of automobile, adjustment, and customer merchandise are typically made on a legal tender basis. These cause additional threats, if not resist will consequence in sense defeat of customers. Now banks and other financial intuition have introduced revolutionary system to draw deposits, like present cheque system by MCB. These schemes proffer prizes on minute and extensive word set put, during holy draw. Now banks are via ability which covers the chilliness on matter how far missing. Anyone, through a settlement based, on-line concurrent banking scheme and by contribution. Touchtone phone banking, electronic cash transport, E-Banking and other current facilities. CONCLUSION. When we are evaluate above state in order we be able to perceive how National Bank of Pakistan lyrics its place as leading financial government and the bank of Pakistan bank commerce at monetary souk and meaning it to of required goal and objectives with its strength to overcome weak point. According to investigate of its macro environmental feature and various multiplicity of cargo and services of NBP. I have argue how the company is working near of its final idea and task and key feat factor of the company be beat participant in this highly aggressive fast rising rapidly altering bazaar. Too I have discussed the apparition.Assissment, labour society and business supremacy of NBP in this system of government description by my industrial skill in bank industry at fiscal and assets endorse in Pakistan.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Chapter Outline Apush Ch.15 - 1056 Words

Chapter 15: Crucible of Freedom: Civil War, 1861-1865 Both North and South were ill prepared for war in 1861. Initially dependent on volunteers, the Confederacy established a draft in 1862, and the Union did so the following year. At first the South relied on imported arms and munitions but soon was able to produce its own. It had more trouble with clothing and food throughout the duration of the war. Financing the war was also a problem. Americans had been unaccustomed to paying taxes to the national government, but both sides had to end the tradition of hard money and minimal government by raising taxes, issuing war bonds, and printing paper money. Inflation was serious in the North and devastating in the South by 1865. The†¦show more content†¦In the Sea Islands, black refugees took advantage of temporary reallocation of former plantation lands to form their own communities. By 1863 both sides were experiencing labor shortages, inflation, and dissension. With its superior resources, the Union met the challenge more effectively. Although the cotton-textile industry in the North was hurt, industries directly related to the war effort--arms manufacture, ready-made clothing, and railroads--flourished. The Republicans in Congress were able to act on their idea of free soil, free labor, free men and passed the Homestead Act and the Morrill Land Grant Act. Nevertheless, workers suffered during the war as wages lagged 20 percent or more behind price increases. The Southern economy was totally shattered by the war, as railroads were torn up, food-growing regions were occupied by Union troops, and planters continued to try to raise cotton crops. Southern women were forced to revive home production of goods in short supply, but even that was hard to do as Union invasions turned women and children into refugees. As the war went on, dissent became a problem on both sides. In the North Peace Democrats, known as Copperheads, contributed to the volatile brew of political, ethnic, racial, and class antagonism that erupted into antidraft protests in several cities. Nevertheless, freedom of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Relation Inflation And Inflation Uncertainty -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Relation Inflation And Inflation Uncertainty? Answer: Introduction This report is about the BigS, a manufacturer of stereos in New Zealand. Most of its main parts that are used for assembling a stereo are imported from Canada. Recently the rate of Zealand dollar is depreciated against the dollar rate of Canada. This depreciation has increased the production cost for the company. In the phase of globalization, BigS is facing a tough competition from foreign companies that are into the same field and running their business in New Zealand. All these circumstances have increased the problems for the BigS organization many times. The revenues of organizations have fallen down to an extent of 15%. Further, the return on investment of the organization has seen an enormous low of 6%. In this report, we will discuss the two other organizations namely Birdies and Placard that whether the BigS organization should invest in Birdies or Placard and what long-term benefits BigS will receive in future after investing in one of these organizations. Birdies are opera ting its business in country A and are enjoying a situation of monopoly in its business they are into the same business of producing or manufacturing stereos, whereas Placard is operating its business in Europe and has yielded an average return on investment of 17% in the last 3years. The Placard is into the business of manufacturing gaming headsets. Diversification Analysis Diversification is a tool or a strategy that is used by big or medium scale business organizations to expand or to bring new technology into the existing business. In this report, we are going to make a diversification analysis of the opportunities and the risk that will come along with this diversification if organization BigS choose to invest in Birdies or Placard. Now if we talk about Birdies then it is very clear that the organization would yield a maximum return on investment of around 9% and that too in 5 years, and this organization is enjoying a monopoly position in its country that means they have no close competition in their line of business and if BigS decides to invest in Birdies then it will directly double the benefits of the BigS organization. Any business organization in this world desires to grow more and more, and diversification is one out of the four strategies to expand the business of a business organization. Below is the table that shows the four strategies of expanding business(Meja 2011) Market Penetration Product Development Market Development Diversification While three of the mentioned strategies are somewhat related to each other, then there is diversification that means entering a business organization into a different market or acquiring a business organization(Bookbinder 2016). Now coming back to the situation, BigS that used to earn a good amount of revenues is now suffering because of the change in the dollars rates of New Zealand and Canada, and because of the international competitors. Now, BigS have two options whether to invest 40% in Birdies or to invest the same amount in Placard. Now we will discuss the opportunities or the risk that would come along with the investment in Birdies(Bogle 2015). Birdies Birdies is also a producer of stereos in country A. Birdies is not operating its business on a large scale like BigS but they are enjoying a monopoly position in this marketing in their country. Country A is imposing high-interest rates in order to curb inflation. If in case BigS go with option A, then it will not really increase benefits of the BigS, as the interest rates are higher, income is low in country A, the expected return on investment that BigS will get is around 7%. There are no chances of any change in the monetary policy in the near future that means BigS have to face the interest rate of 10%. The risks that will come along with this diversification are as under(Kenny 2014): Low income and high rate of interest will worsen the situation at the BigS, as it is already suffering from the increase in operational costs and 15% decrease in the revenues. Birdies are operating their business in a country where income is low which ultimately means they are using poor technology, hence another risk is shifting from high to low technology will again put them into worse condition(Elseiver 2018). Another risk that would entail with this investment is that the foreign competitors will take the show away while BigS will be busy setting up in Country A. Placard Now talking about Placard, it is a business organization that manufactures gaming headsets and is using technology that would prove out to be very new for BigS. Placard and BigS are somehow into a related business. Now if BigS decides to invest in Placard which only conducts its business in Europe then it will prove out to be very profitable for BigS as the interest rates that Placard is currently imposed is only 0.5%, it may be reverted to its previous state if the inflation goes beyond the level of 1%. The Placard is using high technology and if BigS decides to take over its business then BigS may experience an increase of 7% on the return on investment. Placard case is riskier than that of Birdies. However, the risks include are, as under: Placard business has high risk i.e. 13% standard deviation. Interest rates may get an increase in Europe. Competition is very extreme in their market, BigS may or may not be able to handle. Change in Inflation, Interest Rate, and Exchange Rate Investment in Birdies If BigS makes an investment in Birdies, then the change in the inflation rate, interest rate, and exchange rates would have the following effects on the investment: If there is an increase in the inflation rate in country A, where birdies are operating its business then it will directly increase the interest rate, which will result in lower revenues and higher interests for BigS. Suppose if the exchange rates fall then it will make the things cheaper in country A that means BigS will have access to cheaper resources but it also means that they will earn a low income. Investment in Placard If BigS makes an investment in Placard, then following will be the results of the changes in inflation, interest and exchange rate: If there is an increase or decrease in the inflation rate, then it will not harm the revenue of BigS in Europe is comparatively lower than that of Country A. Exchange rates would affect the BigS organization, the currency of Europe is a pound and BigS deals in dollars, so BigS will have to bring more capital if the exchange rate increases. Interest rates are as low as 0.5% in Placard country, so little change whether increases or decrease will not going to harm BigS. Two Scenarios Pessimistic and Optimistic Optimistic Birdies Birdies is a business organization operating its business in country A. Birdies is enjoying a position of monopoly in their country and have an access to cheap labor. Below are given the results according to the Optimistic view, if BigS makes an investment in Birdies: The operational cost of BigS will be reduced to a great extent as the labor cost in country A is comparatively cheaper. BigS will be enjoying double benefits as they will be able to shift resources (labor, machinery) from country A to their original country i.e. New Zealand. The income of BigS will be doubled or maybe tripled, in case of rising in the prices of oil, as the economy of a country is dependent mainly on the global prices of its commodity. Pessimistic Birdies Now if we take up a pessimistic view and then the results would be as under: Due to higher interest rates and inflation rate, revenues are going down to an unbelievable low. A decrease in the oil prices will further decrease the income level in the country, which means that BigS will have low income. Cheap labor means less productive and less trained labor that will again result in the loss of BigS. Optimistic Placard The Placard is a manufacturer of gaming headset in Europe. The competition in their field is very aggressive; however, they have a good technology. In addition to this, the interest and inflation rates are very low in the country that Placard is operating its business in. Below will the optimistic scenario: Lower interest and inflation rates will let BigS earn a good income, as lower interest and inflation rate will be an opportunity to earn more. High technology will allow BigS to produce high tech stereos on their own price. Labor in Europe will be trained and highly productive, this will further reduce the operational cost and increase the revenues of the BigS. Pessimistic Placard The Pessimistic scenario will produce the following results: The political uncertainty in Europe can bring the country on its knees, which will result in recession or inflation, which means that BigS will face loss. Fierce competition is faced by Placard, which ultimately means that the first step would be to take care of the competition. The severe risk may totally put an end on the revenue of the BigS, as Placard is not only facing the risk of competition but also the risk of increased inflation or interest rates and the risk of the political uncertainty. Financial Derivatives In this section, we are going to discuss the risks to which BigS would be exposed if they decide to expand their business with either Birdie's or with Placard. The risks that the organization BigS would be exposed to are as under: In case, BigS decides to expand its business by investing in Placard, a European gaming headset manufacturer then the first or the major risk that will come into the way of BigS is the risk of the political uncertainty. Political instability effects the investment in an adverse manner(Ababa 2014). Suppose the current governments implies 2% tax on the income of the business and a new government come into power and increase this tax by 8% then this will directly harm the revenues of the business. Now if BigS decides to make an investment in Birdies then again the risk of earning low income will come in the way of BigS. Country A where birdies are operating its business is a low-income country which means that even if BigS successfully earn money from birdies then also their revenues will remain low. The High rate of interest and inflation in country A is another risk to the revenues of the BigS. There is no point of operating a business in a country where the interest and inflation rates are high. More the inflation in a country less will be the spending power of a consumer of that country(Sylla 2015). Fierce competition in Europe is faced by Placard, now if BigS makes an investment in Placard then not only the risk of change in interest rates, exchange rates or political uncertainty but the fierce competition will affect the investment of the BigS(Pillow 2013). BigS if decide to make an investment if any of the mentioned business organization then to cover these risks mentioned above, BigS can make a contract (Financial Derivative) with either of the firm and then this contract can be used as a hedge against the risks that BigS is exposed to(Gupta 2015). The contract can contain the following conditions(Vashishtha 2010): Commodity Risk: In this type of financial derivative, the supplier and the buyer comes into a contract in present for a future date that if in case the price of a commodity or a raw material increases then the supplier will supply that commodity on the present rate and not on the increased rate. This can be used for the case of Birdies and Placard both(Vahey 2014). Interest Risk: If in a case due to political uncertainty the change in interest makes the company unable to pay the interest then this financial derivative can be used as a hedge against this risk(EduPristine 2015). Recommendations In this section, few recommendations are provided for BigS to follow for the investment purpose. BigS should invest in Placard as BigS is in more need of technological change rather than earning revenues. Once BigS gets its hands on new technology they can manufacture different stereos that will allow them to charge prices more than what they were charging till date. Moreover, BigS is and Placard are almost into the same business the only difference is one is producing the stereos while the other is producing the gaming headsets both are related to the sound. Another benefit that could be enjoyed by BigS is the lower rate of inflation and interest in the UK. Less inflation means more spending power and low-interest rates mean more income(Daniela Viorica 2014), if we consider all these points with that of Birdies then Birdies stands nowhere close to the investment proposal of Placard. There is no doubt that investment in Placard is riskier but that is also true that more the risk the better will be the outcome(Vukovic 2016). So BigS is recommended to invest in Placard rather than going for Birdies. References Ababa, DA 2014, Impact of Political Instability, 5th edn, Marletto Publishers. Bogle, JC 2015, 'Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share', Business Journal, vol 5th , no. 10, p. 23. Bookbinder, R 2016, 'A successful road to Diversification', Willey Finance Journals, vol 3, no. 6, p. 5. Daniela Viorica, DJ 2014, 'The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty. Empirical Evidence for the Newest EU Countries', Plos One Journals, vol 3, no. 5, p. 20. EduPristine 2015, EduPristine, viewed 15th May 2015, Elseiver 2018, 'Information and Software Technology', Science Direct Journals, vol 97, no. 50, p. 40. Gupta, SL 2015, FINANCIAL DERIVATIVES: THEORY, CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS, 2nd edn, Jady Publishers, Delhi. Kenny, G 2014, How to Grow Business by Successfully Diversifying, 1st edn, Mogan Page, Melbourne. Meja, JF 2011, Export Diversification and Economic Growth: An Analysis of Colombias, 2nd edn, Springer Science Business Media, Bath. Pillow, MM 2013, Fierce Competition, 2nd edn, Rouge, Burglue. Sylla, R 2015, A history of interest rates, 4th edn, WIlly Finance, Sidney. Vahey, J 2014, 'Derivatives: The Risks and Rewards', 28 February 2014, p. 3. Vashishtha, A 2010, 'Development of Financial Derivatives Market', International Research Journal of Finance and Economics , vol 2, no. 3, p. 25. Vukovic, V 2016, 'To Invest or Not to Invest, That Is the Question', The journals of Business Management , vol 1, no. 3, p. March.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Partition of Bengal free essay sample

PartitionofBengalPartitiobengal of bengol 1903: -bengal was the hot bed for revolutionary activity -bengal united its power,divied will pull in different ways 1904: -L. Curzor took surway of bengal. NEED FOR PARTITION / UNOFFICAIL REASON -curb the uprising of the rising power of bengal -muslim would welcome this action -divide the unity of muslim and hindu Oficial reason -it was to big province ( consited of bihar, orisa and bengal)mention population with area of bengal -it was administratively starved ( it had less police stations,unversities were at far distance)and it had only one viceroy for its adminstration. 16th oct 1905 -anti partition act wana bhana day -raksbandhan dat -black day (sad day) -morning day PROGRAMMES Protest meeting -songs of rabindranath tagore(amar sona bangla) slogans by bankim chandra chaterji ( vande mataram ) -picketing of shops(curfew) 4point programe a. swadeshi and boycott b. national education c. massmovement d. swaraj LEADERS IN SUPPORT OF ANTI PARTION MOVEMENT -Bal gangadher tilak(maharastra) -SURENDRA NATH BANNERJI -Lala lajpat Rai(Punjab) Programes of swadeshi and boycott -bengolies felt very humiliated, cheated and insulted -meaning of -gt;Boycott -social boycott of people who sold or buy british goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Partition of Bengal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page -boycott of suger, salt and cloth renunciation of gov. posts -renunciation of english speaches (not speaking english) -gt;swadeshi meaning -promote indian industries(how? ) entusiasm Tata steel and iron started Textil mills got set up Soap and match factories got setup p. c. ray bengal chemical industries got started steam ships project banks and co-operatives set up what did the people do to make s b success a. All class of people joined b. British goods were burnt c. Students refused to use paper d. Women participeted in picketing shops(stop selling of british goods) e. Dawn society set up f. Zamindars stoped marvadies from buying goods from manchester g. Priests did not accept any goods from british h. Boycott ceremonies( ceremonies which requires british goods were banned British represive policies 1. Lathi charge 2. arrested 3. baned meeting and slogans 4. deported leaders(sent to far of prisons like kala pani in nicobar) 5. stopped grant-in-aid to schoold andcolleges(british stopped giving finential aid to gov. schools and colleges\ IMPACT OF PARTITION OF BENGAL 1)Muslims turned violent burnt hindu shops 2)Growth of extremism terrorism 3)cult of bomb(started using bombs as to prove them self superior then hindus) 4)all india character (leaders,women,children all participated) Impact of Swadeshi and boycott movement 1)Vigour (force) to nationalism and patriotism 2)urge to set up national education eg ,shantiniketan 3)increase in literary and culture activities 4)impetus\stimulus( growth) of indigeneous industries (like tata,pcray chemical industries) 5)split in congress in 1907 at surat Reasons a)over the question of methods(S b) -moderates wanted swadeshi and boycott movement to be confined only in bangal\ extremist wanted to partice through out the country b)over presidentship of the congress -moderates wanted Rosh Behari Bose -extremist wanted Lala Lajpat Rai

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bentley University Acceptance Rate and SAT Score Facts

Bentley University Acceptance Rate and SAT Score Facts Bentley requires test scores as part of its admissions process. Students can submit either SAT or ACT scores, and neither is preferred over the other. Bentley is a selective school, and only admits 42 percent of applicants each year. To apply, students must fill out a Common Application, complete with the writing/personal statement section. In addition, students must submit test scores, an application fee, and high school transcripts. Bentleys admissions are holistic, meaning that they look at more than just grades and test scores. Students who participate in extracurricular activities and have work or volunteer experience are encouraged to list their activities and experience on their applications, to help set them apart. Will You Get In? Calculate Your Chances of Getting In  with Cappexs free tool. Admissions Data (2016) Bentley University Acceptance Rate: 46%GPA, SAT and ACT graph for Bentley Test Scores:  25th / 75th Percentile SAT Critical Reading: 510 / 620SAT Math: 550  / 670SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 25  / 30What these ACT numbers mean Bentley University Description Located on a 163-acre campus in Waltham, Massachusetts, Bentley University is not a typical New England college. The great majority of Bentley students major in some area of business, but the school is nevertheless a comprehensive university where the liberal arts and sciences play a central role in the curriculum. Ethics, social responsibility, and global culture are all important components of a Bentley business education. Bentley has a 12 to 1  student/faculty ratio  and an average class size of 24. The university frequently ranks among the top 50 business schools in the country. On the athletic front, the Bentley University Falcons compete in the NCAA Division II, within the Northeast-10 Conference. Popular sports include track and field, football, basketball, and soccer. Bentley University Mission Statement To educate creative, ethical, and socially responsible organizational leaders by creating and disseminating impactful knowledge within and across business and the arts and sciences. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 5,506  (4,222 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 59% Male / 41% Female98% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Tuition and Fees: $45,760Books: $1,260  (why so much?)Room and Board: $15,130Other Expenses: $1,200Total Cost: $61,005 Bentley University Financial Aid (2015  - 16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 76%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 68%Loans: 49%Average Amount of AidGrants: $25,343Loans: $8,540 Academic Programs: Most Popular Majors:  Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing, Computer Science, Mathematics, Global Studies, Business/Corporate CommunicationsWhat major is right for you?  Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates: First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 94%Transfer-out Rate: 3%4-Year Graduation Rate: 83%6-Year Graduation Rate: 89% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs: Mens Sports:  Football, Lacrosse, Soccer, Swimming, and Diving Track, and Field, Basketball, Ice Hockey, BaseballWomens Sports:  Field Hockey, Basketball, Track and Field, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Cross Country Bentley and the Common Application Bentley University uses the  Common Application. These articles can help guide you: Common Application essay tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental essay tips and samples Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Desensitization of Pakistani society Essay Example

Desensitization of Pakistani society Essay Example Desensitization of Pakistani society Essay Desensitization of Pakistani society Essay DESENSITIZATION: Increasing Insensitivity in our society Contents INTRODUCTION: 3 FEW EXAMPLES OF INSENSITIVITY IN OUR SOCIETY:6 SURVEY: DESENSITIZATIONIO SOLUTIONS: 18 CONCLUSION: 18 REFERENCES: 18 INTRODUCTION: What is Desensitization? It is the process in which continuous or increased exposure to violence makes an individual numb to its emotional effects. The violence seems normal and more of a daily life incident rather than a shock. It dulls the response to violence, making it an acceptable behavior. Major reasons for Desensitization in our Society: Increased Real Lite Violence nas resulted in our socie educing sensitivity to such incidents. Pakistan has been facing violence in terms of street crimes, murders, rapes, target killings, physical torture, bomb blasts, kidnappings and drone attacks. According to statistics, only in Karachi people are killed at the rate of 3. 6 since 2010 due to target killings. Other casualties due to different reasons are a lot more than this when measured. CPLC murder statistics for 2010 indicate there were a total of 1339 terrorist killings, i. . , murders associated with terrorist acts or groups. This number increased in 2011 to 1724 terrorist killings, which is an increase of 29 ercent; 2011 was recorded as Karachis second deadliest year in the past 20 years. According to recent study it was found that since the beginning of this year till November 17th, there have been 323 incidents of violence, killing 3088 people (civilians only). Media Violen ce is another reason that has made us well acquainted with grotesque images and videos of brutal incidents. One form of violence that Media Violence includes is the violence showed in the form of entertainment that is in dramas, movies, animated series is one category only. It presents violence in serious ways as well as in humorous ways. When talking about dramas or series and movies most of the time violence shown is serious kind of violence, consisting of shooting someone, kidnapping, murder, rape or blasts. However, cartoons and apart from that certain movies or series show violence in humorous ways like in Home alone, three stooges which incorporates the wrong idea of violence being something thats usual and the norm. Cartoons specially make our children get used to basic violence and its tools like guns and explosive materials. The other form of violence is the real life violence that is covered by media and aired to general public. When discussing about Pakistani society, breaking news and live coverage of bomb blasts, mob violence, nerve racking accidents is something we all are used to, to a level that has turned us insensitive to such incidents. Few channels have aired grotesque images without censor or any attempt to hide the content that is inappropriate. However, they do repeatedly state to not to see the news if the viewer is a child or a person with weak stamina to view such things; which is not an effective measure. ?Lawlessness is a key reason in the increasing real life violence in Pakistan and its being aired on Media. In several incidents the basic cause of such violence is the lack of enforcement of law in order to reduce crime like mugging, target killing, bomb blast and execution of punishment orders when the criminals are arrested by police or rangers. Mob Violence is the best example when lawlessness is discussed. Since our Law enforcement agencies fail to implement law and maintain order in society, our people have started taking law in their hands. Up till now there are numerous cases of mob violence in Pakistan where suspects are beaten and handed over to police or at times beaten to death. The frequency of mob violence incidents have increased in ast few years, mostly in Punjab. The incidents portray scaring ferocity. Be it long hours of load-shedding, a criminal caught red handed by the crowd, a traffic tragedy or someone suspected to have committed the act of blasphemy, furious mob increasingly take the law into their hands as if they are the sole accusers, Judges and executioners. This shows the failure of our law enforcement agencies that have been unsuccesstul in catching the criminals, prosecuting and executing them. Their tailed attempts have led people, to a great extent, to act as their own protectors, which has resulted in some very regretful incidents. Growing economic pressures in recent years as well as the states failure to provide security and a functioning Justice system to the people have aggravated these crises, spawned vigilante Justice and entrenched mob rule in our daily life, argues a political scientist wanting to remain anonymous, who works at a public sector university in Lahore. FEW EXAMPLES OF INSENSITIVITY IN OUR SOCIETY: BRUTAL MURDER OF TWO BROTHERS IN SIALKOT: On 15th May 2010, two brothers named Mughees aged 15 and Hafiz Muneeb aged 17 residents of Sialkot were brutally beaten to death. They were accused of snatching a ell phone and injuring the person while committing the crime. Few people suspected them of being the culprits and thus, were subjected to inhumane torture leading to death. The younger brother Mughees died when struck hardly by a rod however the elder one Muneeb was beaten brutally with rods, stones, sticks until he died. Both of them were beaten even after every drop of life was oozed out of them, soaking in blood. It is stated that the elder one begged to be shot dead for once and all for the crime he hadnt committed rather being beaten such inhumanely. The dead bodies were hanged above a water tank and were dragged as well. This incident shows not only the intolerance and horrible ferocity of the crowd but also extreme insensitivity of those who watched and filmed the act. There were about 10 to 15 people who were involved in their murder but more than 40 people as well as police officials to witness the act. The question arises why the crowd showed no reaction of stopping the violent fatal beating? Why they all viewed the act as if they were hypnotized or as robots completely empty of the humanly feelings and emotions? This mob violence shows that our society is an insensitive one; It has indeed been desensitized. The reason I account the incident for is lack of law which has simply eradicated the sense of humanity in us; which has led to us taking the law in hands since the police have failed to play their role. We have taken the responsibility to identify the criminals without any solid proof of their identity and punish them ourselves. Since, we have no proper system to do so, we end up committing acts that cannot be washed away, and they exist as brutal stains of the blood of innocent ones-the misidentified and killed. Such acts of mob violence and people beating the culprits have repeatedly taken place. However, the beaten ones were the true criminals yet such incidents slowly and gradually transfer the power from law enforcement agencies to local public which is a strong alarm for our police and Judiciary as it can lead to results creating a norm less society. In a re-enactment of the Sialkot lynching, two alleged robbers fall prey to mob Justice in Multan on March 26. One of them reportedly shot himself to avoid a painful death at the hands of the crowd. The other was pelted with stones until he died. The unfortunate aspect of these incidents is that police officials side with the mob, turning a blind eye to the rutal, instant punishments meted out to real or imagined criminals. Hence, again proven that we botn the locals and the police nave ourselves created this act ot executing people be it a culprit or an innocent. Another aspect of this is that our media kept showing the videos and the pictures of all these people being murdered, which shows that our media is also an insensitive entity who regardless of what affect their material has, airs the content. Not thinking of the family members of the victims who have to relive the torturous and agonizing moments of their loved ones eing beaten, burned and killed. THE LACK OF RESPONSE OF PEOPLEIN INCIDENTS LIKE LDA FIRE ACCIDENT AND STATE LIFE BUILDING FIRE INCIDENT: The state life building fire incident took place on November 28th 2012, where one Job seeker named Owais Baig who had gone for Job interview died. In order to save himself from fire, he tried to escape out of the window, clinging to it for about ten to fifteen minutes; however, he was not able to hold it for a long time, thus, fell from 8 story building, causing himself fatal injuries. The reason I believe this portrayed lack of sensitivity and response by the people is hat he hang from the window for about ten minutes minimum but during that time no one made any attempts to help him in any way. The video clearly shows that he fell in the area which is almost the first floor, a balcony type area, which was easily accessible and reachable if people would have rushed there to at least catch him or used any material to ensure his fall was not extremely injurious, Unfortunately, people were busy filming the scenario or Just observing the tragic scene. The news channels once again acted inhumanely- airing the video again and again. On May 9 013, fire broke out in LDA building leading to 5 people Jumping from the building as they made failed attempts to save themselves from the blazing fire or one of them who waited for more than four hours for him being rescued. Hence, embracing death. The news channels continuously aired the whole incident for hours. Repeating the video where people Jumped from the building. For them it was mere a coverage of the inferno at LDA but for those whose loved ones preferred death through falling from the height of 135 feet to the ground rather than being burned by fire, it was the worst thing. Our media without considering their feelings not only covered the whole accident live but also played the clips for the whole week. THE CASE OF SARFARAZ SHAH SHOT DEAD BY SINDH RANGERS: Sarfaraz shah was shot dead by rangers in Benazir Bhutto Park. He was suspected to have committed theft. He repeatedly negated the claim leading to rangers firing him twice near the thigh. An anonymous person recorded the whole thing in which on record Sarfaraz begged to be taken to the hospital yet he was not and hence bled to death. The point being that rangers officials who have been appointed to protect us are the ones firing at us. Sarfaraz was unarmed and he was only a suspect of snatching a cell phone without any strong evidence; he was shot Just because he used his right to defend against the blame. Our law enforcement agencies displayed lack of responsibility rather than acting as a sensible entity, acting wholly upon our laws. Furthermore, after being shot, he was not taken to the hospital; he was left to die in pain. Even though tor a second we do assume that ne did commit a crime and he was a threat to our rangers who were equipped with m-14 rifles, firstly 5 to 6 officials couldnt control him, secondly, even after being shot, reducing the potential anger he was depicting, anyone would have showing the least amount of humanity, taken him to the hospital. However, others around him probably seeing the insensitivity of the rangers didnt intervene. The person who recorded the whole incident vanished due to potential threat to his life. Another scenario, the incident of Sikander in Islamabad where the police and other officials refused to fire at him since he had kids and wife along with him, shows that our police and rangers completely lack the sense of how to react when, how to handle different situations. THE ATTITUDE OF SHAHROKH JATOI AFTER BEING CONVICTED FOR MURDERING SHAHZAIB: Even though our society raised its voice against the murder of Shazaib yet the attitude of Shahrukh Jatoi through the trials till his convictions have raised many questions regarding our law, our upper class members. It was evident that his calm composure throughout was there because he knew that his stature in society would ease him getting away from the murder he committed. His attitude showed those belonging to the same status as his that for them committing a heinous act is mere sport and law is nothing for them. He simply showed no sign of regret. When such embers of society exist and spread, society would definitely have the risk to turn into such insensitive members. THE MURDER OF HAMZA AHMED: Hamza Ahmed was shot dead by his school mates guard in defence, Karachi. I will not argue about what was the conflict, Shoaib is guilty or not but about how the guard without thinking who he was firing at, on whose order was he firing at and should he fire or not, shot Hamza 6 times. Hamza and Shoaib were both teenagers. Even if the guard was ordered to shoot if someone laid hands on Shoaib, being a human he should have assessed the situation rather than acting like a robot. Even if Hamza was being too aggressive, he was Just a kid, a slap or two would have been enough to settle him down rather than shooting him 6 times. Isnt that the height of insensitivity? Arent we turning into robots? Having a gun, protecting one, doesnt mean killing others. SURVEY: DESENSITIZATION I adapted a survey questionnaire once conducted on Canadian society, in our society. The respondents were of age 15 to 28, whereas consisted of 54% female and 46% ma e. Their level ot education consisted ot: O college 0 Baccalaureate 25% High school 0 Technical Institute 1% 0 Masters Degree 10% others They were asked the following questions and their responses were: How many hours of TV do you watch per day (on average)? 1 dont watch T. V15% 0 Between O and 1 30% 0 Between 1 and 242% 0 2 and over 13% How many times per week on average do you watch the news on TV? 1-2 37% 0 1 dont watch the news on TV 24% 0 5 and over 23% 3-417% How many times per week on average do you read the newspaper? the Newspaper 39% 0 1-239% 3-410% 0 5 and over 13% I dont read According to people about 38% rated the violence shown in newspapers 3 on the scale of 5. 15% rated 5. And about 61% rated the violence shown on TV news 5 on the cale of 5 and 30% rated 4. Another part of the survey asked the respondents about what they would do or expect an individual when facing a violent situation and their emotional reactions to them on a scale of 5: Faced with a Violent situation: Walking in public you see someone not far from you trip and fall to the ground. The typical individuals reaction would be to: 0 Look to make sure the person is okay 0 Stop to ask the person if he/she needs help getting back up 32% 0 Look away and keep walking, unbothered 17% 0 Laugh discretely 4% Situation 1 [What are your emotional reactions to the previous situations on a scale of 14% 0 3 32% 2. Walking in public you see an adult man not far from you being verbally assaulted to the point of humiliation in a discriminatory or racial manner. The publics reaction would be to: 0 Look and observe 66% 0 Stop to intervene 25% 0 Look away and keep walking, unbothered 7% 0 Laugh discretely at the man being humiliated 1% Situation 210% 518% 2 [What are your emotional reactions to the previous situations on a scale ot Walking in public you see a woman in front of you get robbed by a man. The typical individual will react by: Stopping to ask if the woman is okay 37% 0 Looking away and keep walking, unbothered 30% Looking at the womans expression and/or the robber getting away 24% Running after the robber 10% 0 Laughing discretely 0% Situation 3 [What are your emotional reactions to the previous situations on a scale of 110% 0 334% 0 437% 514% You [4. Walking around the city you notice smoke and fire coming out from a building. How would you and a typical person react? ] Look away and keep walking, unbothered 3% 0 Look from afar to see if there is anybody in the building 21% Call the fire department, the police or the ambulance 63% 0 Try and save the people inside 0 Stand to watch for some action 0% Typical individual [4. Walking around the city you notice smoke and fire coming out from a building. How would you and a typical person react? 0 Look away and keep walking, unbothered 10% 0 Look from afar to see if there is anybody in the building 17% 0 Call the fire department, the police or the ambulance 32% 0 Try and save the people inside 4% 0 Stand to watch for some action 37% Situation 4 [What are your emotional reactions to the previous situations on a scale of 111% 3 27% 5. Walking around you notice someone committing an act of vandalism, say the person is smashing a window tor tun. Do you? Look down on the person 23% Ignore his presence 1 Comment on what he/she is doing loud enough for him/her to hear 3 1% 0 Look at the person until he/she is done whatever he/she is doing Call the police 11% 0 Stop the person, verbally or physically 23% Situation 5 [What are your emotional reactions to the previous situations on a scale of 117% 211% EXPLANATION OF SURVEY OUTCOMES: When asked How many hours of TV do you watch per day (on average)? majority said 1-2 hours daily. When asked How many times per week on average do you watch the news on TV? majority said 1-2 times however 24% stated that they dont watch news whereas 23% stated that they watch news 5 or more times. Thus, showing that minimum 1-2 times and maximum 5 or more times news is watched. When asked How many times per week on average do you read the newspaper? 39% said they read newspaper 1-2 times and 13% more than 5 times. According to people about 38% rated the violence shown in newspapers 3 on the scale of 5. 15% rated 5. And about 61% rated the violence shown on TV news 5 on the scale of 5 and 30% rated 4. Thus, showing that TV news shows extreme violence; placing newspaper on the second in terms of displaying violence. Few of the 5 situations mentioned were linked with some of the past events if analyzed. In our society, street crimes such as mugging, theft, burning things, verbally assaulting someone has increased drastically. Situation 2 in which a man is being verbally assaulted to extreme in a discriminatory or racial manner about 66% said that they would look and observe rather than stopping the one assaulting. This shows that our society members, most of them, would prefer listening to the humiliation rather than sorting the matter. Its no surprise when today we see our society as least pluralistic. Situation 3 talked about an incident where someone is being robbed, about 37% said they would stop o ask if the person is okay after the theft is committed. 30% stated they would walk away, unbothered. This shows that we are unwilling to help our fellow citizens even if we can. I have personally known 2 to 3 victims out of which 2 died. In all incidents the victim took control of the robber/thief but since people didnt help them out, the thief managed to snoot the victim leading to death ot two and one being extremely injured. Situation 4 tried assessing peoples reaction whenever there is a fire. The state life building and LDA fire incidents are examples of lack of response by our society members leading to deaths. When asked what the respondent himself would do if he sees fire, 63% said they would call ambulance and fire department. Only 13% said that they would help physically in such an urgent situation where every moment counts. However, when asked what a second person would do? , majority said that they will watch for some action rather than helping those stuck in inferno. Hence, accepting that the society has become in-sensitive. People indeed showed the typical behavior as anticipated in this survey of observing and waiting for some action in the fire incidents at LDA and State Life fire. In Pakistan, acts of vandalism are very ommon, especially in strikes and in random scenarios as well. The last situation explored that. 31% stated they would comment on what the person is doing however, in real life, in our society, we dont see that. 23% stated they would look at the person until he is done with what he is doing and the same percent said they would stop him verbally or physically or Just look down upon him. I believe what all we do is look at the person terrified and walk away as soon we can and then comment about his action at home. The purpose of the survey was also to see how media violence affects our response to real life violence. I do believe that they do affect us. Since, what and how media covers the violence-real life violence is not only making us habituated to it but also instilling a sense of saving ourselves first no matter how badly the other person needs our help, as in even if we see someone being robbed we prefer running away rather than helping that person. Whenever we see a person or a group of people suffering we take it as this is something that takes place now and then and hence, cannot be helped or anything cant be done. I think its learned helplessness. The idea that we are helpless, no matter what. Even if there is a way out, since, we have been seeing violence and its worst outcomes, we have fed it into our minds that we by ourselves cannot do anything. There is extreme negativity and helplessness prevailing in our society which is making us insensitive as well as increasing the risk of growing chaos and anomie. When we see law enforcing agencies breaking the laws, or committing acts (like the murder of 5 Chechens by FC officials in Quetta and other incidents mentioned in this report) or not doing their duties properly, our society members become more helpless a group of people who se it in their favor by committing crimes whereas the rest becoming victims of them helplessly, since, they know that there is no way out apparently. As a result, violence exceeds and the response to it decreases. SOLUTIONS: I believe media should act sensibly when it comes to reporting incidents. As the most potential medium they should act responsibly considering all the effects they have on the members of the society. A Journalist wrote an article confessing that crime reporters or even the general ones are asked to exaggerate details and it no a then to write in a very explicit manner for example quoting casualties not simply as dead bodies but parts/bits and pieces of dead bodies; Point being creating a very grotesque image. Secondly, those who are responsible for reducing violence of all sorts- the law enforcement agencies should beyond all make sure they play their part to their best and not misuse the authority given to them. Using their common sense, analyzing the situation and acting accordingly is must. We cannot allow the robotic behavior to progress be it the police, military or rangers. We as a society, most importantly the youth and the intellectuals should take the lead in reducing such insensitivity. When we are the ones to point out the issue, then we should take the responsibility to eradicate it as well. CONCLUSION: Pakistan needs to be freed from issues like intolerance, desensitization and lack of patriotism- these are the basic issues that have given birth to many more issues that is burning our country. If only for once and all we could see the big picture and work to eradicate the problems sincerely, Pakistan could be a heaven. REFERENCES: starwelfare. org/post/264/Pakistan:ln-a-maJority-of-incidents-of-mob- violence. html ?https://www. osac. goWpages/ContentReportDetails. aspx? cid=13761

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Technology Trends Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information Technology Trends - Research Paper Example Antà ³n, P. S., Silberglitt, R., & Schneider, J. (2001).  The Global Technology Revolution: Bio/Nano/Materials Trends and Their Synergies with Information Technology by 2015. This work comprises the most important issues of information technology development. Technological trends, such as information processing, practical implications of false memories, recognition and other phenomena. The most important fact is that people are able to design robots, information systems and other innovations may be developed on the basis of new developments in information technology. Bednarzik, R. W. (2005). Restructuring Information Technology: Is Offshoring a Concern? Employment Trends by Industry and Occupation Suggest That Offshoring in the Information Technology Sector Occurs, but Not to a Great Extent.  Monthly Labor Review, 128(8), 11+. The role of modern trends in information technology is important for international employees. Therefore, a reconsideration of information technology’s role in professional experience of every employee is of crucial concern. When combining trends of globalization and information technology development, it is evident that white-collar services are of the utmost importance nowadays. It is underlined that employees’ training in information technology innovations requires huge costs, but making investments into this sphere is very important for any international company. Godwin-Jones, R. (2008). Emerging Technologies Mobile-Computing Trends: Lighter, Faster, Smarter.  Language, Learning & Technology, 12(3), 3+. This article is focused on a specific issue of mobile computing field’s developments. In this are, such trends as advanced usability, faster networking are of great concern. The developments of modern iPhones from Apple, Google-led Android phones indicate a high level of competitiveness in the field of mobile computing. Thus, this article is interesting and many